We invite you to join us on our spiritual journey to start off this year in Prayer and Fasting. Our focus this season will be on John 17.
The other night as I was lying in bed, the Lord spoke to me about the prophet Elijah.
In 1 Kings 18 Elijah has one of the greatest victories over evil in a spiritual battle and confrontation with the so-called prophets of Baal.
No matter how much you grow in the Lord, no matter how spiritually mature you become, you will face trials... and perhaps even more so as you grow in the Kingdom of God.
Are you feeling any RESISTANCE in your life? Resistance = opposition, struggle, obstruction, a barrier, something holding you back.
No matter when or how often I speak on the subject of Faith, it is ALWAYS a relevant topic for people. It is because we are always going through something that requires us to choose between trusting God and His Promises, or falling into an emotional mess, despair, depression, anger
Now God had made Aaron, Moses' brother, the first High Priest of Israel. Although God gave him Title and Position of High Priest, that did not automatically make him a great High Priest.
For weeks we have been talking about Prayer. Prayer is our primary connection with the heart of God. It is how we foster a deeper relationship with Jesus while allowing Him to change the way we think and believe.
2 Thessalonians 5:17 - Pray without ceasing.
This scripture is so small, yet carries the core secret of our faith. The very practice of the ancients that bridged God and man.
This phrase “Without Ceasing” is a Greek word that means…